Bratislava, 14th April 2016 – Company Danubia NanoTech, an innovative company in the development of advanced carbon nanomaterials, has a new investment partner – company janom Ltd.
The aim of this capital investment is to support further growth and development of the company in the areas focused on innovative development and production of advanced carbon materials, graphene and carbon nanotubes are no exception. Graphene, in particular, in 2010 the Nobel Prize was awarded after being discovered and characterized, got the worldwide credit to be one of the future materials.
“The research as well as the applications of graphene in various industries are being rapidly developed and I do believe that Danubia NanoTech has a good potential to be a part of this process,” said Viera Skakalova, R&D manager. Particularly, we want to focus on applications for super-capacitors as well as for various uses in the areas where the transparent, light and conducting layer of material or its composite is needed” adds Skákalová.
Danubia NanoTech plans to use this investment particularly in new R&D projects. We also want to boost our business development and sales capabilities,” adds Patrik Krizansky, Business Development manager.
“Danubia NanoTech is an innovative company and a sound investment opportunity for janom Ltd., which fits in our concept and the long-term strategy. As Ján Miškovský, a company executive of janom Ltd. says: “I am convinced that graphene, nanomaterials and this field of material research have a bright future and therefore we are in DanubiaNanotech”.
About company Danubia NanoTech
Danubia NanoTech is an innovative company founded in 2004 with considerable know-how in carbon nanomaterials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes and their composites. Our primary mission is to transfer the research of low-dimensional carbon structures into rapidly developing industrial sectors where the application of nanomaterials is of the highest interest. Such fields might be automobile, electrotechnical and aircraft industry.
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