The conference aimed at operations and maintenance of Wind Power Stations (WPS) was held in Hamburg – which the symbol of wind energy in Germany.
At the beginning of the conference a leading Bloomberg analyst presented the development of wind energy on individual continents with an estimated trend over the next period. He also introduced the concept of the new direction for maintenance. Specific ways of operations and maintenance of wind power stations were presented by the important companies from the industry of manufacturers, energy and services.
The current trend in evaluating maintenance is to collect data from individual manufacturers, to evaluate encountered non-operations modes manually or automatically and to store large amounts of data. Such know-how of individual operations processed and stored like this is the tendency to share under the consultancy for other manufactures who are members of the alliance.
A different and technically more specialized solution, as presented earlier, is vibro – diagnostics, representing measurements of vibrations on individual rotating parts of WPS while making evaluations, which is able to warn of non-operations modes immediately.
Last but not least, the conference dealt with inspections and maintenance of wind blades, which is in case of their damage, the main reason for just mentioned vibrations and damage to internal technology (e.g. gearbox, generator).
More than 170 authorities from various sectors of electro – energy industry related to wind energy participated in the conference (Nordex & Acciona, ENEL, EDF EN, ERG Renew, GE Wind Energy and others).
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